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Isabel de Bavière

Isabel of Bavaria; or, the Chronicles of France for the Reign of Charles VI

collection, pub:1835

A series of scenes selected, dramatised and vitalised with dialogue from Barante's "Histoire des Ducs de Bourgoyne."

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    Christine de Pisan offers her works to Isabel of Bavaria

From A Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas père by Frank Wild Reed:
     In 1835, after the appearance of the "Scènes Historiques" in the "Revue des Deux Mondes," they were collected, much extended, and published as "Isabel de Bavière." They form the first, and one of the best of Dumas' series of "Chroniques de France." These fall in a measure between true romance and Dumas' picturesque historical works. For instance, in this "Isabel de Bavière" there is a narrative storyette concerning Odette which has much historical fact woven into it, while the chapters devoted to the Sire de Giac and his wife are story, pure and simple, and could be lifted bodily from the context and treated as a unit. (It may be noted that the distinct "La Main Droite du Sire de Giac" is actually a continuation or sequel to these chapters. See previous page.)
     Later, in 1856 (to which year refer), Dumas drew considerably from this work for his play "La Tour Saint-Jacques" ; while much earlier, in 1832, Anicet Bourgeois and Lockroy had produced their drama of "Périnet Leclerc" from the same material. (See p. 55).
     The work consists of twenty-eight untitled chapters, of which eleven, those numbered XVI., XVII., XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI, XXII., XXIII., XXV., XXVI. and XXVII., appeared in the "Revue des Deux Mondes" during 1831 and 1832. (Refer to these years.)
     Original edition : Paris, Dumont, 1835 (Quérard says 1835 or 1836), 2 vols., 8vo., printed by A. Leboyer, at Lagny. Vol. I., pp. 338, with a vignette at the head of the first chapter, which depicts Gothic columns and arches. Vol. II., pp. 345, with a vignette at the head of the first chapter representing a. chateau of the Middle Ages. (The Bibliothèque Nationale has a copy of 1835.)
     Second edition : probably a reprint of the first.
     Third edition: "revised and corrected," Paris, Pascal Jeune, 1846, 3 vols., 8vo.
     It now comprises two volumes in the standard Calmann-Lévy edition, and one in the same firm's "Musée Littéraire."
     It is included in Le Vasseur's "Alexandre Dumas Illustré," Vol. VIII.
     Dumas is usually credited with having freely used Barante's "Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois ;" but if so, he vitalised it immensely.

         References :—
     Dumas: "Mes Mémoires," Chapters CCXII., CCXXXI., CCXXXII. and CCLIII.
     Quérard: "Supercheries Littéraires Dévoilées," Vol. I., Columns 1094-1095.
     Parran: "Bibliographie d'Alexandre Dumas," pp. 41-42.
     Blaze de Bury: "Alexandre Dumas," pp. 31-32, 48.

         English Translations :—
     As "Isabel of Bavaria; or, the Chronicles of France for the Reign of Charles VI." Translated by W. Barrow; London, Bruce and Wyld, 1846, pp. 393.
     Reprint of above issue as "The Chronicles of France for the Reign of Charles VI., a Romance of Real Life." Dublin, M'Glashan, 1850, pp. 378. This edition includes Dumas' preface.
     As "Isabel of Bavaria; an Historical Romance." London, David Bryce (N.D., 1860), pp. 348. This does not include Dumas' preface. There are many variations between this edition and the preceding, M'Glashan's being in the main more full.
     A re-issue of one of these was published by Routledge, who had acquired the rights, in 1871, in the "Railway Library." It is almost certain that this firm published other editions of the same work, both of earlier and later date. This is Bryce's edition with a changed title page.

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