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L' Histoire des peintres; Italiens et Flamands; La Peinture chez les Anciens

non-fiction, pub:1845

From A Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas père by Frank Wild Reed:
     A series of Biographical articles on the chief Italian and Flemish artists. the following are treated :—
    Massacio de San Giovanni,Jean Bellini,
    Raphaël Sanzio d'Urbin,Le Pérugin,
    Léonardo de Vinci,Pinturiccio,
    Fra Bartholomeo,Albert Dürer,
    Lucas Cranach,Quintin Metzys,
    André de Mantegna,Baldassarre Peruzzi,
    Titien,Jean Antoine Razzi,
    Baccio Bandinelli,André del Sarto,
    Guérard Berck-Heyden,Jules Romain,
    Jacques de Pontormo,Jean Antoine Sogliani,
    Frère Philippe Lippi,François Mieris,
    Alexandre Boticelli,Ange Gaddi,
    Jean Holbein,Dominique Guirlandaio,
    François Francia,Bernardin Luini,
    Simon Memmi,Antoine Pollacolo,
    Le Primatice,Corneille Bega.
     Of these "Jules Romain" was not included in the "Mousquetaire" reprint, and "Michel-Ange," "Titien" and "Raphaël Sanzio d'Urbin" were omitted from this original collection to become "Trois Maîtres," while "Dominique Guirlandaio," "Bernardin Luini" and "Le Primatice," "Antoine Pollacolo," "François Francia" and "Simon Memmi" are not included in the current "Italiens et Flamands."
     The standard edition of "Italiens et Flamands" contains, as one long introductory chapter, the entire matter of "La Peinture chez les Anciens."
     (Refer to the "Galerie de Florence," page 192.)
     A pirated Belgian edition (12 articles only) appeared in 1845: "La Peinture chez les Anciens," followed by "L'Histoire des Peintres;" Brussels, Méline Cans et Cie., 2 vols., 18mo., pp. 252 and 284.
     Dumas reprinted in "Le Mousquetaire" "La Peinture chez les Anciens" (December 4th to 14th, 1854), and "L'Histoire des Peintres" (January 8th to April 10th, 1855), with the omission of "Jules Romain," as stated above.
     "Albert Dürer et Fra Bartholomeo," with vignettes by J. A. Beaucé : Paris, Marescq, 4to., 1856.
     "André de Mantegna, Pinturiccio et Baldassare Peruzzi," with vignettes : Paris, Marescq et Cie., 4to., 1856.
     "André del Sarto" was published serially in the "Esprit Public" during 1846.
     "Fra Bartholomeo" was included in the last volume of the original edition of "Les Trois Mousquetaires."
     "Giorgione" was issued in the last volume of the original edition of "Vingt Ans Après."
     "Italiens et Flamands," with the matter of "La Peinture chez les Anciens" as an introductory chapter, forms two volumes in the standard Calmann-Lévy edition, and one in the "Musée Littéraire."
     In Le Vasseur's "Alexandre Dumas Illustré" the whole is to be found in Vol. XXIV.

         English Translation :—
     "Primaticcio and Francis I., King of France" (a portion of "Le Primatice"), was printed in the "Parlour Magazine," Vol. II.. 1851-52, pp. 244 ff.

From A Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas père by Frank Wild Reed:
     (CXXXII.) In "Holbein," 109 lines, translated from the "Dance of Death."

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