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Histoire de deux siècles ou la Cour, l'Eglise, et le peuple depuis 1650 jusqu'à nos jours

non-fiction, pub:1852

From A Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas père by Frank Wild Reed:
     If this title is correct (but see below), the work consists of "Louis XIV. et son Siècle," followed by "Le Dernier Roi des Français" in the illustrated editions (see pp. 179 and 279).
     Paris, Dufour et Mulat, 2 vols., large 8vo., with 30 engravings, 1852. It was frequently reprinted under many conditions and with various extensions.
     One such, in the Reed Dumas Collection, consists of ten large 8vo, volumes. The title-pages conform to the above description, but with this addition: "Comprenant : La Splendour et les Misères de Louis XIV.—Le Régent, sa Politique, ses Ministres, sa Famille, ses Roués; Louis XV., ses Amours, Madame de Mailly, Madame de Vintimille, Madame de Lauraguais, Madame de Châteauroux, Madame de Pompadour, le Parc aux Cerfs; Madame du Barry.—Les Jésuites. —La Franc-Maçonnerie et son Origine.—Les Philosophes.—Louis XVI., Marie-Antoinette.—Vie Privée du Roi et de la Reine, Pamphlets du Temps, la Révolution, les Cordeliers, les Jacobins et leur Clubs.—Philippe Égalité.—Le Duc de Chartres. Suivie de la Vie Privée et Politique de Louis-Philippe 1er." The four final volumes, of which three contain the same title-page as the former, include the additional information : that Paul Lacroix had completed the account of the Revolution of 1848 and the Proclamation of the Empire and the Napoleonic Dynasty. Yet, in spite of its title-pages, this edition does not contain "Louis XIV." Vol. I. commences with a reprint of "La Régence" and "Louis XV.," reprinted from the original illustrated editions, then follows "Louis XVI. et la Révolution," including the whole of "Le Drame de Quatre-Vingt-Treize." After this follows the "Vie de Louis-Philippe," and Paul Lacroix's additions in the four final volumes. The first four volumes of this set are dated 1852, the three following 1853, and the final three 1854.

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