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At The Sign of the Crest: Cady Coat-of-Arms
, a 1943 article about the Coat-of-Arms, and some ancestry.
A land contract
in which Isaac Ballard sells five hundred acres in Rhode Island to Hesekiah Cady in 1850.
Cadys I know
C. Conrad Cady
- that would be me
Julia Cady Wert
, my sister
K. Bingham Cady
, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, and my dad.
James (Jim) Cady
, author of the latest Cady Genealogy
Cadys I know of (famous and semi-famous)
Jack Cady
, author and professor at PLU
Harrison Cady (Walter Harrison Cady)
, illustrated Thornton Burgess books
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
, woman suffrage leader
Edwin H. Cady
, American literature professor
H. Emilie Cady
, Christian writer
Max Cady
, fictional psychopath from Cape Fear
Frank Cady
, actor who played Sam Drucker on Green Acres
Fitch Cady
, movie producer
Jerome (Jerry) Cady
, screenwriter
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